American Netflix DNS Codes – Unblock United States Netflix 2024

Try these American Netflix DNS codes if you are trying to watch US Netflix from another country like Canada, United Kingdom or anywhere outside of the United States trying to access American Netflix on your TV, XBOX One, PS4 or any other streaming device, including your laptop or Smart TV. Includes FireStick and ChromeCast.

American Netflix DNS Codes: &
Or take the easy way out

It is highly recommended you use a VPN (30 day money back guarantee) now that hackers have infested most free American DNS servers in order to steal your information. It’s well worth it for safe, guaranteed unrestricted access to all of the shows that play on American Netflix servers. Especially now that Netflix has banned almost all free DNS codes in a crackdown on overseas access.

vpn for netflix

A VPN Service will allow you to remain anonymous in all internet activities and fake your IP address as if you are in another country, such as America so that you may watch all of the shows listed on the United States versions of Netflix directly on your PS4, XBOX or any streaming device. The VPN will also protect all of your browsing histories on your computer at all times, making you completely anonymous online. This has become the standard practice among above-average internet-savvy users. You can protect yourself with a VPN like the best of us while watching your American television shows on Netflix. The internet has evolved and you can no longer browse the web from your true IP address without risks. Thankfully a simple VPN service will not only give you unrestricted Netflix access to the USA, but it will also cover all of your tracks online across multiple devices.
unblock united states netflix for american shows

Is American Netlfix DNS easy to set up on PS4 / XBOX One?

It’s quite easy to set up and the tech support department will help you. They have instructions for just about any device. The best solution is to add the VPN DNS servers to your main wireless router to cover all of your home network at once. You can now watch American shows on your TV, game console, laptop, desktop computer, mobile device, and more.

Current Update!

As you know, the day and age are now upon us, where almost all free American DNS Servers are no longer working from Canada or the United Kingdom for American Netflix. After a long run of easy free IP Addresses, hackers got involved and most companies found that this is a highly in-demand service so anyone offering legit codes is going to charge. From time to time, fly by night codes pop up and are valid for a limited time, but you have to change them often and the hassle and security threat is real.
What to do now?
I highly recommend this free trial from using a VPN DNS service for the reasons below.

US Netflix DNS Codes VPN Service

Pros of using VPN:
» One time easy setup.
» Permanent DNS for American Netflix, Hulu, Pandora, Amazon Prime, Spotify, Youtube, HBO Go and more
» Access American Streaming many other regions!
» And most important, safe to use, no hackers.
» No logging!
» 24/7 Support which you won’t even need because it works.
Cons of Free DNS Codes:
» You have to change them constantly.
» Slow servers, lots of buffering.
» Hackers set up free codes to steal your information.

netflix alone at home

These Free American Netflix DNS codes may work

If you really want to deal with hacked DNS codes, here are some more.
Primary DNS: | Secondary DNS:
Primary Server: | Secondary Server:
Primary: | Secondary:

If you are in the United States you should follow these steps to get your XBOX DNS server settings fixed.

Automatic Settings

The first step would to be to try Automatic DNS Settings.
From the XBOX 360 Dashboard, press the Guide Button on your controller.
Go all the way to the right to the Settings blade.
From there select System Settings.
Then go down to Network Settings.
You will select Wired or Wireless.
Next select Configure Network.
In this screen you will make sure both IP Settings and DNS Code Settings are on Automatic.

If Automatic DNS Settings do not work on your XBOX for Netflix and Hulu we will try manual settings.
Which you may need if you want your NAT Type to be open which I will explain in detail at the end.

Manual DNS Code Settings

First, we have to get your routers DNS servers from your computer.
I’m assuming you have Windows XP, Vista or 7.
On your keyboard hold the Windows Key and press R key. The Windows Key is usually near the bottom left between ctrl and alt. It looks like a small flag.
This will pop up the Run Prompt, type in cmd and press Enter.
Now that a little black Command Prompt has opened up type in ipconfig /all (note the space).

You should see something like this:

C:\StickyStatic\DNS Codes
IP Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway. . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :

These numbers will vary based on your router and settings.
But write them all down so we can go back to our XBOX.
We may only need the DNS Servers.

Now we have to enter DNS Servers in the XBOX 360.
Press the Guide Button.
Go to Settings.
Select System Settings.
Then Network Settings.
Choose Wired or Wireless then Configure Network.
Now go down to DNS Settings, Manual and enter the two DNS Addresses you wrote down from IPCONFIG /ALL under Primary DNS Server and Secondary DNS Server.

Try that out. Save the settings back out to Test Connection and see what happens.

If that doesn’t work we are going to assign your XBOX a Static IP which will also be helpful in opening up NAT type.

Static IP XBOX Netflix DNS Settings

Now we go back to the Configure Network screen from above. You should know how to do this by now.
Now that you’re in the Configure Network Screen you’re going to select IP Settings and set it to Manual.
In here you’ll notice IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway.
The numbers you wrote down earlier covered the Subnet Mask and Gateway however the IP Address you found earlier was already assigned to your computer. So we’re going to need to choose an IP address to assign your XBOX.
In theory, you should just be able to change the last digit up by one. So example if your IP Address was you can make it As long as it’s above .1 and below .254. However, if you have an iPod, cellphone and a laptop all connecting to your wireless router then chances are .2 is taken so to be safe and random let’s do
Ok, save those settings and one last thing while we’re in the Network Configuration. Go to the Additional Settings tab then go down to Advanced Settings and copy the MAC Address. This may help us when opening up your NAT type.

Save all the settings, back out and hit Test Connection. This should be working now.
Restricted or Moderate NAT Type
As for opening your NAT type I am going to be very brief and assume you have router navigation and login down or can figure it out from the link I provide below. I do have this information available on my site.

First, you are going to need to assign your XBOX a Static IP unless your router supports MAC Address based Demilitarized Zone. If you want to check, follow the next steps.

We must log in to the router. For simplicity, I am assuming you have something like a Linksys or other Cisco router with a very similar GUI.
Once in the router, you click on Applications & Gaming then DMZ under the submenu.
Check Enable and Any IP Address for the Source IP.
Under Destination, if it gives you the option for MAC Address you should use the one you got from the XBOX.
If it does not, you must enter the Static IP you assigned your XBOX. We did but if you did not do that head back up and do it or else the DMZ settings will not go into effect on your XBOX and you will still have Restricted NAT Type when playing games like Call of Duty.

Watch American Netflix on PS4 and XBOX One with DNS Codes and Addresses

Are you getting the most out of your Microsoft XBOX Home Entertainment Media Center? With it’s easy to navigate and manage user interface anyone can utilize it to its full capability.

With the XBOX Media Center, you can watch several sources of streaming media directly on your TV like movies, documentaries, TV Series, News, Youtube videos and more. No more sitting at your computer watching online media!

Here is a list of the current of the services.

check markNetlix
check markYoutube
check markHulu Plus
check markSyfy
check markCrackle
check markPandora
check markSpotify
check markTMZ
check markComedy Central
check markAnd more!

Now of course you have to pay for subscriptions like Netflix, Hulu Plus and such but as always Youtube will remain free and MSNBC News and such are free.
I use my American Netflix almost daily for movies, TV shows, and Documentaries. I like to throw on Youtube when I have a bunch guest over and let people take turns picking a video and they love it.
I skim through the MSNBC News every few days and pick out only the stories I want to watch saving me time of all the other BS that comes with the news on cable TV.

But, that’s not it. You can also stream video files(or pictures and mp3’s) that you download to your computer. I know a lot of people like to use Torrents and with a simple program by the name of TVersity you can stream downloads from your PC to your XBOX and watch them on your TV instead of your computer screen. I’m actually doing that right now as I type this. I’m sitting on my couch using my laptop to add this article but watching free How-To Tutorials that I downloaded to my desktop in the other room. They are streaming from my PC to my XBOX and being played on my HDTV. Perfect.

US DNS Codes For Watching American Netflix from Canada

There you have it, to watch the American version of Netflix from Canada streaming, you are forced to use a secure VPN, which in this day and age, you should be using already for all online activity. Not just to watch American shows on your PS4 and XBOX One.
us netflix dns

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