Best Spectrum Routers Approved

best spectrum router
It’s time to replace that Spectrum router with your own approved router to obtain a better WiFi signal in your home.

There are several key factors, including powerful features such as wireless strength, number of ethernet ports, number of wireless channels, processor power, onboard memory, and USB capabilities.

That’s why we have this easy-to-read chart laying out all of the features on these Spectrum routers.

Best Spectrum Routers Chart

Spectrum Routers
Wireless BandwidthAC1000AC1750AC3100AC5300AX11000
Bands300+700 Mbps450+1300 Mbps1000+2100 Mbps1000+2167+2167 Mbps1148+2400+2400 Mbps
Band ChannelsDual BandDual BandDual BandTri BandTri Band
Ethernet Ports44845
CoverageApartment2-3 Bedroom3-4 BedroomMulti-Story HomeLargest House
CPU880MHz1GHz1.4GHz Dual Core1.4GHz Dual Core1.8GHz Quad-Core
USB PortsNo2+3.02+3.02+3.03.1 (x2)
Spectrum ApprovedYesYesYesYesYes

Here’s a full buyers guide if you’re looking for a Spectrum Modem.

So what you’ll notice here is that it will come down to your specific living situation and internet usage. For example, if you live alone in a small apartment and just use one device at a time, the cheapest option is going to work great for you. However, it has low RAM and a weak CPU so I wouldn’t use it if I were a gamer. If you are a gamer you are going to want to step it up a few levels, as you can tell by the chart.

But what if you live with several people and all use the internet simultaneously? You will want something stronger with more RAM and a stronger CPU to handle all of your requests at the same time while providing ample coverage via multiple channels across your home. So with those key factors in mind, you are able to choose based on your specific requirements.

Spectrum subscribers can save $10 a month by directly buying their own authorized retail modem and router, replacing the one that Spectrum rents to them. This is the best option, but there is one catch, it must be approved for Spectrum. Here’s a list of authorized devices.

Compatible Spectrum Routers Explained

This is a list breaking down the top routers that work with Spectrum Charter wireless internet. Each of these routers are in the best of their class and can deliver top speeds over your home WiFi network. Your replacement router will depend on the size of your home. See below.

  1. The Cheap Spectrum Compatible Router: NETGEAR R6080
    AC1000: Small apartment or small 2 bedroom one story home.
    Cheapest and lowest you should go with today’s available devices.
  2. The Average Approved Router: ASUS RT-AC66U
    AC1750: Normal apartment or normal 3 bedroom one story home. One of the most common routers due to its versatility in most living situations.
  3. The Strong WiFi Router: ASUS RT-AC88U
    AC3100: Normal multi floor 2 or 3 bedroom home. Now we’re starting to talk power for your average American cookie-cutter home.
  4. The Strongest Spectrum Router: ASUS RT-AC5300
    AC5300: Large 2 to 3 story American dream home. This is as strong as it gets for routers, perfect for most American homes.
  5. The Strongest Newest Router: ASUS GT-AX11000
    AX11000: Say what? AX is here? Yes, and it’s primed for the largest houses with the biggest networks and extremely gamer friendly.
  6. The Ultimate Router: [Best Mesh WiFi]
    OVER 9000: If you have a large home or mansion but are not a serious gamer. This is not just a router, this is “wireless mesh”, the newest in wireless. Business strength solutions brought to the home consumer level. Works with Spectrum.

Here’s the thing about routers though, they are all compatible. You need to get a good one, and there are many bad routers and bad modems out there. Your router should be dual-band and be at least in the Wireless AC standard category with Gig Ethernet ports.

That’s why we have given you the option between some of the top compatible routers available for all living situations and price ranges.

The following image is an excerpt direct from Spectrum regarding choosing a compatible router for fast wireless for heavy users or those in apartment buildings with many other nearby wireless networks that may be interfering with the signal.

This image is a quote direct from Spectrum regarding replacing your wireless router. As you can confirm, it is everything we have already explained to you in detail.

spectrum routers

But what about Wireless N? It’s so much cheaper.

You are free to buy a cheap low-power Wireless N router. But expect lower speeds, random disconnects, less range and so on. Wireless N is no longer a viable option. This is why we, as well as Spectrum, do not recommend it. But if you live alone, in a small living situation with minimal needs, you can still survive on Wireless N. You just have to know its limitations and lower your expectations regarding performance.

If you plan on hardwiring your important devices, such as an XBOX or desktop computer, then the wireless router does not matter much. A cheap wireless N will be fine for phone usage.

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